Old versions

Here you can find an archive of previous YajHFC versions.

Release date: 2008-09-19

Binaries (base application)

Java JAR file (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_8a.jar (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_8a-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Binaries (FOP plugin)

Archive including both main application and FOP plugin (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_8a-FOPPlugin-0_1.zip (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_8a-FOPPlugin-0_1-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Source code

Source code archive yajhfc-0_3_8a-src.zip (yajhfc.de)
FOP plugin source code FOPPlugin-0_1-src.zip (yajhfc.de)

Release date: 2008-09-03

Binaries (base application)

Java JAR file (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_8.jar (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_8-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Binaries (FOP plugin)

Archive including both main application and FOP plugin (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_8-FOPPlugin-0_1.zip (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_8-FOPPlugin-0_1-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Source code

Source code archive yajhfc-0_3_8-src.zip (yajhfc.de)
FOP plugin source code FOPPlugin-0_1-src.zip (yajhfc.de)

Release date: 2008-08-12

Binaries (base application)

Java JAR file (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_7.jar (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_7-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Binaries (FOP plugin)

Archive including both main application and FOP plugin (all platforms) yajhfc-0_3_7-FOPPlugin-0_1.zip (yajhfc.de)
Windows installer exe (32+64bit) yajhfc-0_3_7-FOPPlugin-0_1-setup.exe (yajhfc.de)


Source code

Source code archive yajhfc-0_3_7-src.zip (yajhfc.de)
FOP plugin source code FOPPlugin-0_1-src.zip (yajhfc.de)